Many dead could have been saved if patients sought doctor’s help on time. Many homes can still be rescued if married couples seek counselor’s help on time. “To everything there…

Usually, in marital conflicts, one plays the sheep – the one willing to do anything to save the relationship while the other plays the goat or the one who doesn’t…

We are wounded a lot of the times by those we love and not by enemies. We need grace to forgive at such times for, only then can we find…

Husband and wife must be kind to one another. They must be tenderhearted and willing to forgive each other from time to time as God freely forgives us in Christ…

Apologizing to your spouse is not a sign of weakness as some would have you believe. It is in fact a sign of strength and maturity if used with the…

The worst decisions are made when emotion is involved. Don’t decide when you’re quite excited, angry, depressed or sad as you would not be able to see clearly. “And it…

In resolving conflicts, we must not lie; we must guard our mouth and control anger. We must aim at genuine reconciliation through forgiveness and be willing to change. “Set a…

Conflicts are normal in marriage and every human relationship. Our ability to resolve our conflicts on time without letting them escalate shows our maturity. “Be ye angry, and sin not:…

Usually, opposites attract in marriage and the more the differences, the better if couples prayerfully work at it. If not, the differences between spouses pull them apart. “So God created…

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