The right and best order for marriage is love leads to courtship, courtship leads to marriage, marriage leads to sex, sex leads to procreation or having children. “And the LORD…
If you aim at nothing, you can be sure you will get it. Always set goals for your family at the beginning of each year and work hard towards achieving…
The first few minutes after a spouse comes home often sets the stage for the rest of the evening. So try to make those first few minutes a positive experience….
Couples who marry as virgins should try and delay having babies a bit so they can learn and adjust sexually as much as possible before the babies start to come….
Time can either be a friend or foe. Couples only befriend each other by spending time together. Couples who don’t spend time together eventually drift apart. “When a man hath…
God is the only Author of marriage and best Counselor that can guide us successfully through it. Beware of vain marital philosophies and ungodly traditions of men. “And the LORD…
Family planning goes beyond merely deciding the number of children a couple wants; it includes their decision about correctly spacing their children also. “A good man leaveth an inheritance to…
Love is a mystery, ever so slippery. Don’t hold love too lightly lest it grows wings and flies away. Don’t hold love too tightly lest it wilts, withers and dies….