Blood Group and Genotype, HIV and Hepatitis tests are some of the essential tests for intending couples before ever tying the nuptial knots or go to the altar. “Wisdom is…

There are many fraudsters and impostors these days. Always investigate and make sure your fiancé does not have any subsisting marriage before agreeing to marry. “Trust in the LORD with…

The world is full of moral decadence and ungodly images of sex. The fact that it feels right does not make it right. You must resist sexual temptations in every…

Marital sex is not only for child-bearing but that husband and wife should give each other pleasure. Marital sex is an obligation and responsibility in marriage! “Drink waters out of…

Husband and wife must be kind to one another. They must be tenderhearted and willing to forgive each other from time to time as God freely forgives us in Christ…

Don’t look around when choosing a marriage partner. Look up to God instead and let Him guide your choice. Any other choice apart from God’s would be disaster! “And the…

Marriage is more than finding the right person; it is being the right person. So, pray and plan to be the right person more than looking for the right person….

Whichever way we look at it, marriage is a yoke – equal or unequal. But that yoke is easy when we marry someone who is a child of God already…

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