Lots of good and right things go wrong when we do them at the wrong time. So, a major secret of success in marriage is to learn to do the…

In resolving conflicts, we must not lie; we must guard our mouth and control anger. We must aim at genuine reconciliation through forgiveness and be willing to change. “Set a…

Conflicts are normal in marriage and every human relationship. Our ability to resolve our conflicts on time without letting them escalate shows our maturity. “Be ye angry, and sin not:…

A woman’s menstrual cycle is unique and affects her mood. The man should understand his wife’s menstrual cycle. A wife too should know when her husband is hungry or angry….

Manage stress and don’t allow stress manage you. Common stressors in marriage and relationships are impatience, rigidity, over-ambitiousness, lack of relaxation, anger, bitterness and unresolved quarrels. “And be ye kind…

Beware of immaturity in marriage as an immature spouse is a major drain emotionally. Some signs of immaturity are selfishness, jealousy, frustration, anger, bitterness and malice. “Brethren, be not children…

Trust God to help you forget and heal your hurts from past negative experiences whether from past broken relationships, parent’s relationships or society in general. “A merry heart doeth good…

If you hope to marry a king then be a queen yourself; if you want God to give you one of His best sons as husband then be one of…

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