Two is a company, three is a crowd; every other person except your spouse is a third party. God is the only third party in marriage that makes it work….
Third parties tend to come between marriage partners. God is the only Third Party that makes marriage work. Is He in your marriage? A three-fold cord is not easily broken….
Beware of wrong counsel! Many troubles in marriage start with wrong counsel from ungodly relations, neighbours and friends. So, seek only wise and godly counsel. “Blessed is the man that…
Marriage was never man’s invention. God, the Author of marriage is the best Counselor that can guide us successfully through it. Befriend Him and you will succeed! “And the LORD…
Only stolen water is sweet; ordinarily, water is tasteless. Pre-marital sex is sweet while it lasts but lays the foundation of future failure in marriage. Be patient and wait till…
Words like – sorry, thank you, please, excuse me and compliments are golden. They are like tonic. Use them a lot and you will constantly rejuvenate your relationship. “A soft…
If anger gets the best of a man, it reveals the worst of him. Avoid saying or doing things in anger you’d later regret. With God’s help you can control…
The challenge of marriage is marrying the right person. You need God’s help not to be a square peg in a round hole or vice versa. Why go wrong when…