Newly married couples should not rush into having children as it takes time to blend. Take time to blend and have fun too before going ahead to make babies. “When…

Avoid divorce! New researches confirm that children from broken homes are more likely to be violent, take drugs, perform poorly and engage in underage sex. “If the foundations be destroyed,…

Avoid anxiety and desperation. It is still unpopular these modern times for a lady to propose marriage to a man. Follow due process and avoid wrong approaches! “Which of you…

Foundation is important! Good foundation, good house; poor foundation, poor house. Don’t lay a poor foundation for your marriage because of rainy days ahead. “If the foundations be destroyed; what…

Avoid the mistake of preparing elaborately for wedding without preparing adequately for marriage. Wedding is for a weekend but marriage is for a lifetime! “The thoughts of the diligent tend…

Beware of dreams! The man who drank gari before going to bed and dreamt of swimming jumped in water before he slept. The truth is that we often dream of…

Christians can never justify divorce scripturally or spiritually until churches start to organize divorce ceremonies just as we organize wedding ceremonies. “For the LORD, the God of Israel, saith that…

One other argument against divorce is that churches only join couples but never separate them. Only the law courts separate couples but never the church. “For the LORD, the God…

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