Husband! Do you love your wife to the extent that you could die for her if need be? That is what Jesus Christ did for the Church – His Bride….

The Governor or President is not the tallest, oldest, strongest, wisest or richest man in town yet he rules us all. The submission of a godly wife does not make…

Communication is essential in marriage. Learn to verbalize your feelings for your spouse to enrich your love life and communicate non-verbally to sidetrack third parties. “Iron sharpeneth iron; so a…

Christ loved the church, His bride so much that He died for her on the cross. So, every godly husband should love his wife and be willing to die for…

The husband is the head of his wife as Christ is the Head of the Church. The body of a mad man though incorrect is still subject to his head….

God put Adam to sleep first in order to give him his wife. You too need to close your eyes in prayer and talk to God first in order for…

Are you looking for your missing rib? Your Creator knows where she (he) is. You only need to call upon Him in prayer and He will guide you to make…

Divorce is a wild wind that blows no one no good. Many divorcees always wished they never divorced in the first place. It’s a regret & costly mistake you can…

Let your home have loving and caring husband, humble and respectful wife; spouses cooperating and complimenting each other and raising good, godly and obedient children. “That our sons may be…

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