We all need counselling whether as singles hoping to enter marriage, engaged couples about to marry, newly-weds or old couples who need to renew their love life. “Where no counsel…
Part of your responsibility as husband and wife is to serve as role models of a happy marital relationship to your children, families, friends and general society. “Train up a…
Marriage consists of the triangular cords of love and covenant between God, man and woman. The cord between a man and his wife alone cannot sustain marriage without God. “…and…
Marriage is a social, legal and spiritual union between a man and a woman to create kinship that is usually celebrated as a ceremony and involves sexual intimacy. “And Adam…
Marriage covenant is always sealed by blood at its consummation through sexual intercourse and so is permanent and unbreakable! God hates divorce! “And they were both naked, the man and…
God made sex exclusively for marriage! Pre-marital and extra-marital sex are sins and God prohibits those who engage in them from inheriting His Kingdom. “And they were both naked, the…
God chose and brought Eve to Adam. Let God be central and help you choose the right person so He would join you together spirit, soul and body at your…
The wedding ring is a continuous band without a joint. It is a token of love in marriage and represents the unbroken promise and commitment of couples to each other….