Let us appreciate the differences: Women talk more, men listen more. Women are emotive feelers, men are rational thinkers. Women are resilient, men are strong; men are authoritative, women are…
Men and women are quite different! Women are relationship driven, men are achievement driven. Women are emotional, men are physical. Women are receivers, men are givers. “So God created man…
Some differences that will affect marriage are family, tribal, cultural, racial, intellectual, ideological nad theological differences. The closer the gap the better. “I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully…
There are no right or wrong temperaments or personality types. Each one of the temperaments has strengths and weaknesses to be worked upon and transformed by God. “This I…
Communication is more than just talking. You can talk without communicating and you can communicate without talking. You have not communicated but merely talked until the person you’re talking to…
A husband should be a prophet, priest and pastor to his household. As prophet, he should guide members of his family with the word of God. As priest, he should…
A wife must be virtuous and prudent. She must honour, respect and submit to her husband. She must be peaceful, hospitable and the cheer-leader of her husband’s supporters’ Club. “Who…
Deep communication takes place when we feel totally safe to share our unique needs heart-to-heart. Without such communication, couples will still live together as strangers! “A man (that hath) friends…