The Bible never said that marriage or life would be a smooth sail but assures us of the ever-abiding presence of God and that is the root and basis of…
Hot-tempered people must learn to hold their words and not speak in anger. Quiet people must learn to speak when angry and not withdraw into their shells to keep malice….
Couples must learn to communicate simply, clearly and effectively and avoid using complex, vague or ambiguous terms or words that fail to pass across the message. “A soft answer turneth…
There are two types of romance – the PM (Pre-marriage) and AM (After-marriage) Romance. Both are needed and important for building a strong, healthy marriage. “My beloved is unto me…
“An important fact men should remember about women is that women want attention; an important fact women should remember about men is that men want admiration.” “So God created man…
To avoid sexual immorality, men must be disciplined in sight and touch. Looking at a woman you’re not married to lustfully or touching her anyhow is sin before God. “I…
God created sex but intended it for marriage. That is why every sexual act out of marriage always comes with the feelings of dirtiness, fear, guilt and shame. “And they…
From puberty, boys are sexually attracted to girls and girls to boys. This feeling is good and God-given but intended for marriage and must be guided by God. “Therefore shall…