Your wife is your queen and jewel of inestimable value. Cherish her always and let her know how precious and priceless she is to you. Always pet and protect her….

If you have a wedding ring, always honour your spouse by using it in the public to identify yourself as married. Forgetfulness in this regard is a bad excuse. “And…

Make sure you know your spouse’s interests and hobbies. Find some common grounds to do things together that will make the two of you share your joy and laughter. “Live…

Always be proud to talk about your spouse in public. Usually, failure to speak fondly about our spouse in public is the beginning of flirtation and trouble. “Drink waters out…

Always dress up to look your best for your spouse and never be ashamed to identify with him or her in public. Dress tastefully and honourably for his and her…

Always preserve the dignity of your spouse and never run him or her down publicly or before third parties. Maintain courtesy and respect in your communication. “Therefore all things whatsoever…

Don’t ignore or disregard your spouse’s likes and dislikes. You can exchange lists of your likes in order to do them and avoid the dislikes as much as possible. “A…

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