We all need counselling whether as singles hoping to enter marriage, engaged couples about to marry, newly-weds or old couples who need to renew their love life. “Where no counsel…

Marriage consists of the triangular cords of love and covenant between God, man and woman. The cord between a man and his wife alone cannot sustain marriage without God. “…and…

Marriage is a social, legal and spiritual union between a man and a woman to create kinship that is usually celebrated as a ceremony and involves sexual intimacy. “And Adam…

God chose and brought Eve to Adam. Let God be central and help you choose the right person so He would join you together spirit, soul and body at your…

The strength of your relationship depends on the strength of your commitment to Christ – the more committed you are to Christ as husband or wife, the better for your…

Have a vision! Your vision is the future of your marriage that must be shared, embraced and pursued by you and your spouse. It strengthens your bond and accelerates your…

Marriage relationships thrive on quality interaction, intimate fellowship and effective communication between husband and wife. So, you must invest richly in them. “Through wisdom is an house builded; and by…

Work hard on your marriage! There is no perfect marriage anywhere in the world to meet all your needs. Two imperfect persons can’t possibly make a perfect marriage without God…

For proper marriage, there must be consent of bride and groom, parental consent and blessing, legal documentation, spiritual blessing and sexual intercourse as the final seal. “And Jesus answering said…

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