Types of Husbands – 1

6 – Panadol Husband:
These are men who
* Use their wife to solve problems
* Love their wife when in need and afterwards discard her
* Are very clever and know their wife’s weakness and exploit her

7 – Parasite Husband:
These are men who
* Are lazy to work and so stick to the wife because of her money
* Are very loving but dependent on the wife’s money and resources
* Lack initiative and they don’t even try to help her as much

8 – Baby Husband:
These are men who
* Are very immature and childish

* Want their wife to care for them like their mother
* Cannot make decisions without asking their parents or relatives for advice

9 – Visiting Husband:
These are men who
* Are not always at home but usually at work or abroad.
* They come home as if visiting and their home is a lodge
* Try to provide the needs of their family but have no time for them

10 – Good Husband:
These are men who
* Are loving, caring and very responsible treating the wife as partner
* Provide material and emotional needs of their family
* They always make time for their family and guide them spiritually

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